growing up together

two nights ago I was sitting around a table at a funny little café near les halles in one of the ugly leather chairs whose seats were all sunken in and whose slight patent sheen reflected the violet neon lights of the sign from the café across the street.
there were six of us sitting there. six different styles, six different stories, six different presents, and six different futures. And all that difference mixed together to make this warm cloud of friendship and respect amongst peers who shared one formative experience.
what was remarkable about the whole thing only hit me just now- envisioning the futures of each of my five old classmates who were sitting around me at that table. how big and how small this industry is. how we are part of a web that is just now being formed- and as we grow up, together, that web gets stronger and wider. and we will think back on moments like these- the first reunions at fashion week in paris.

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