
Sometimes the act of sending out a work in progress to get feedback from the other end is itself the greatest indicator of how successful it is at that given stage.
Meaning the immediate emotion that surfaces inside of you when you know that someone else is going to see what you have been working on. It will either reinforce your satisfaction or your re-enforce your frustration.

Satisfaction being that you are on to something. It might not be there yet, but you are at a point where the walls are down, and you can see the evolution happening in your minds eye.
-In this case the feedback is good because it will either call for you to defend your decisions, thus re-enforcing them, or bring into light an element that you might not have focused on before. The picture becomes more complete.

Frustration being that it is just not working, and you need to get out of your head, pull out the mental machete and whack your way to clarity.
-In this case, it is great to have the feedback, because the questions and the comments might help you to approach from a different direction. Re-strategize.

it is good to feel and pay attention to that emotion.

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